Rentacomputer February 2014 Newsletter

Do You Know Why People Use
  • Our server rentals have been used to render some of Hollywood's most popular animated feature films!

  • When natural disasters strike, our short term rentals help coordinate relief efforts.

  • Candidates running for political office use our computer and office rentals to drive their campaigns.

  • Our portable screen rentals make small venue film premiers pop with the feel of a big screen extravaganza!
  • Lawyers use our office and computer rentals for "War Rooms" to help them win cases.

  • Hundreds of our iPads were once given VIP treatment when they were flown around the country for FAA testing.

  • Our laptops and tablets are used for computer summer camps where kids learn science, technology and engineering skills.

  • You can find our rentals on the set of your next favorite TV show or play, such as the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park.
  • Tech Travel Agent

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    Non-Business (Personal) Rentals!
    You don't have to be with a business to rent from! We offer personal rentals to non-business customers. So if you have a short term need for a personal endeavor, consider a rental from

    Check out our personal rental inventory and you will find a great selection of equipment such as laptops (Windows or Mac), tablets (iPads and Android), 2000 - 3000 lumen projectors & DVD projectors (screens also available), sound equipment, and even video game consoles! So for your next short-term personal technology need, let us know how we can help!
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