Rentacomputer Cares $2,000 Scholarship - 2025

Marketing Video

The requirements have changed from 2018's video essay

Unfortunately, due to the economic downturn caused by COVID-19, the 2021 scholarship program has been suspended at this time.

Our Rentacomputer Cares Scholarship features a scholarship totaling $2,000 that is awarded to students who create an interesting MARKETING VIDEO FOR RENTACOMPUTER.COM. You do not need to be pursuing a marketing degree to apply. Applicants must be currently enrolled or planning to attend an accredited university within the next 12 months (we will require enrollment verification before any money is awarded), and must be working towards a degree. Submit an application before May 31st. Finalists will be contacted shortly after they are chosen and recipients will be announced upon confirmation of enrollment. Due to the large number of entries, it can take some time to determine a winner. We will not be contacting anyone but the winner of the scholarship, however, the winner will be announced on our social media accounts and our winners and finalists page.

To apply, fill out the form below and submit a marketing video for The video can be anything that promotes products and/or services. It can be as simple or as complex as you like. It can be a commercial, a sales pitch, a demonstration, or basically any type of marketing video that a company (like us) would use to promote their business. The criteria for your video submission are as follows:
  • The video must be no longer than 2 minutes
  • You must upload the video to YouTube and provide the URL in your application
  • You must create a title for your submission
  • The YouTube video must be titled as "[Your Submission Title] - Scholarship [Year]". For example, "To The Moon - Scholarship 2025"
  • The very first thing you say in your submission video is "My name is [Full Name] and this is my [Year] Scholarship entry..."
  • The description in your YouTube video must be: Cares Scholarship Entry

    For more information regarding this scholarship, or to learn how to apply, visit

All applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Be currently attending college, or planning to attend college in the next 12 months
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • If currently enrolled in college, must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Must be working towards a degree at an accredited university

Judging will be done by the Scholarship Review Board and will focus on an applicants' marketing video; specifically, the Review Board will be looking for applicants who are able to follow direction and can do minor research. Applicants should not worry about the production value or their ability to act on camera. The videos will be judged based on the overall content, originality and presentation. In the event that several finalists are chosen those applicants may be asked additional questions to determine a final recipient.

Any application not containing the required information, marketing video YouTube URL or do not meet the length restrictions will be rejected and applicants will be unable to reapply until the following scholarship year. Scholarships are granted in $500 allocations for a period of up to 4 years, as long as the scholarship recipient remains enrolled in college and maintains a minimum GPA of 2.5. We reserve the right to verify high school and college transcripts of any applicant. Applications for the 2025 Rentacomputer Cares Scholarship must be received by 11:59 PM Eastern Time, May 31, 2025. Applications for the 2026 Rentacomputer Cares Scholarships may be submitted starting 12:00 AM Eastern Time, May 31, 2025.

Your contact information will never be given or sold to third parties under any circumstance and you will never be contacted by or our affiliated companies for any reason unrelated to the scholarship program.

By submitting an application you agree that your name and/or likeness and your video may be used in promotional material such as, but not limited to: social media posts, press releases, blog articles, and news stories.

If you are awarded the scholarship, you must contact us with enrollment verification by September 30th to receive the next installment of your scholarship. If you fail to meet this deadline, your current and all subsequent installments will be forfeit.